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I love this!! I can not describe how much i enjoyed the game! 

I love all of them and have looked up to them for years, so even playing a game where I could meet them was really exciting.  I appreciate everything that they do and have done for us. I don't understand how someone could be such an amazing person! I do hope that at some point I may get the chance to meet them, but until then, I can enjoy games like these along with their content.  Thank you for making this. 


oh my goodness.... I took the mark route and got the good end and stuck around and read what you had to say.. I cried, no way to hide it. They've touched me so much and with this game being able to kind of dream about meeting them and having that kind of experience. It was amazing, your message at the end was truly, truly amazing.. ill be sure to spread the word about your game and heck, maybe, mark jack and matt will play it at a voidcon someday, huh?